From Our Heart...
As we prepare to enter 2014, We can't help but to look back at 2013 with mixed emotion!
TSCC's have enjoyed so much Love, Fellowship and Support
in & off the dancefloor!
We are so grateful for the addition of our New #Team members,
Michelle & Carla
and the continued loyal commitment of
Brian & Tracy!
You as a Community have come along side and Supported Us with your thoughts, kind words, hugs, smiles
& prayers of compassion & healing!
...And we know the sense of Family
as we've grieved the losses of our Friends:
Clifton, C.J., Valerie and Flo!
May we enter 2014 with a Renewed Spirit
of Love, Peace & Dance!
The Smooth Cha Cha's
Jamaal | Kristi | Brian | Tracy | Michelle | Carla