Thursday, October 20, 2011

Have You Checked IT Out Yet?? -->>The Mellow, Sophisticated "Free Flow Fridays"! Each & Every Friday, NO Cover-Open Dance Set!

Have You Checked Out the
Mellow, Sophisticated...
"Free Flow Fridays"?
Luxe_Banner (2).jpg
Tyrone Brown & The Smooth Cha Cha's, hosts of:
the "Smooth Saturday Sets" & "Step Out of the Box Fridays"
8p - 11p
Every Friday
--->>No Cover<<---
The All New:
LUXE Ultra Martini Lounge
"Where Fancy Nightlife Meets Cleveland"
(formerly Legacy LoungeNew Ownership!)
5154 Warrensville Center Road
Maple Heights, OH 44137
--->> No Cover! <<---
New Dance Floor!
Stepping/Ballroom Music!!
8p - 11p
Complimentary Food (while it lasts)
---->>New Entrances NOW Open: 8p - 11p
ENTER from the Secured Parking Lot
---->>DIRECTLY into the Luxe Ultralounge! 8p - 11p
(Ladies escorted to cars)

For More Info:
for "Free Flow Fridays" @Luxe Ultra Martini Lounge
Tyrone: 216.316.6117
Jamaal: 216.225.0752
Kristi: 216.799.3725
See YOU There!!