Merry Christmas!
In this week's Newsletter:
oooo Weeee! 2 Down, 1 to Go!
The Christmas/Kwanzaa/New Years Season2012 is off to a #Smooth Start!
Next up...!
The 4th Thursday Take*Over Set *Kujichagulia EDITION!!
Thank You
to the Ballroomers & Steppers who came out to our
2nd Annual *SmoothHOLIDAYSocial*
The #Party in 2 Parts!
& helped us continue the #SmoothHolidaySeason of Celebration!
The Food, the Festivities, The Fun & Fellowship!!
Mr SmoothStep was on #Fire & kept the floor Sizzlin' Smooth!
Thu: 4th Thursday Take*Over Set *Kujichagulia EDITION
Fri: aahhh Yeah! TSCC's are taking a short "Smooth HOLIDAY Hiatus"!!
See YOU in January 2013 --->> #FFF @LUXE Ultra Lounge
Celebrate YOUR Birthday, Retirement, Anniversary
or any other Milestone
during ANY TSCC's Classes, Sets, Events,
or any other Milestone
during ANY TSCC's Classes, Sets, Events,
"Smooth Floor Tuesdays",
4th Thursdays Take*Over Sets,
#FreeFLOWFridays or
#FreeFLOWFridays or
Where are The Smooth Cha Cha's THIS Week?
Tuesday, December 25th
Merry Christmas!
aahhh Yeah! TSCC's are taking a short "Smooth HOLIDAY Hiatus"!!
See YOU Tuesday, January 8th @The Gateway for Class (7-8:30p) & "Smooth Floor TUESDAYS" 8:30p Until Ya'll get Tired!!
Thursday, December 27th
4th Thursday Take*Over Set
*Kujichagulia EDITION
The Kwanzaa Celebration of *Self-Determination
This is the "Let your hair down,
No Stress" Set!
...cause Christmas is behind Us & We're Cruisin' to the New Year!
At first, observers of Kwanzaa avoided the mixing of the holiday or its symbols, values, and practice with other holidays, as doing so would violate the principle of kujichagulia (self-determination) and thus violate the integrity of the holiday, which is partially intended as a reclamation of important African values. Today, many African American families celebrate Kwanzaa along with Christmas and New Year's. Frequently, both Christmas trees and kinaras, the traditional candle holder symbolic of African American roots, share space in Kwanzaa-celebrating households. For people who celebrate both holidays, Kwanzaa is an opportunity to incorporate elements of their particular ethnic heritage into holiday observances and celebrations of Christmas.
The Smooth Cha Cha's Statement of Purpose:
We are Urban/Club/Detroit-Style Ballroom Instructors, with a
Passion for the Dance, the Community & our Students.
Committed to Building Confidence, Practicing Etiquette & Fostering a FUN, Safe Social Atmosphere for All!
Peace, Love & Dance!
The Smooth Cha Cha's
Jamaal & Kristi